With the number of connected devices already exceeding the number of people, IoT is here to stay.
Whether involving general IoT with a focus on transportation and logistics, or Industrial IoT (IIOT) with a focus on asset-intensive industries and environments, the integration work of any such platform is complex and requires dedicated expertise.
Industries across the board are adopting IoT solutions and it is expected that by 2023, nearly 30% of industrial enterprises will have full, on-premises deployments of IIoT platforms. Leading this trend are sectors ranging from manufacturing and energy to life sciences and healthcare.
Technovera can assist you with all phases of IoT platform integration and can support the common five-tier architectural model: device, gateway, edge computing, platform and enterprise application integration. Our IoT experts will work with you to implement these capabilities.
With the number of connected devices already exceeding the number of people, IoT is here to stay.
Whether involving general IoT with a focus on transportation and logistics, or Industrial IoT (IIOT) with a focus on asset-intensive industries and environments, the integration work of any such platform is complex and requires dedicated expertise.
Industries across the board are adopting IoT solutions and it is expected that by 2023, nearly 30% of industrial enterprises will have full, on-premises deployments of IIoT platforms. Leading this trend are sectors ranging from manufacturing and energy to life sciences and healthcare.
NextGen IT can assist you with all phases of IoT platform integration and can support the common five-tier architectural model: device, gateway, edge computing, platform and enterprise application integration. Our IoT experts will work with you to implement these capabilities.
Business analysis and Problem Statement
Stating the problem we are trying to solve is where it all starts.
Whether for the commercial implementation, or for the prototype, much of the early work is researching and understanding the business objectives. It’s rarely a simple process, as it often involves multiple disciplines, from logistics to technology, and from business to support.
IoT Platform Selection
Whether sensors, edge devices, protocols, or entire platform, our team will help characterize the needs and work to assess whether a new system altogether is needed, or a more minimalistic approach is the preferred one.
Rapid Proof of Concept
An IoT project can more easily be implemented gradually, restricting it to the available capital for each phase. With access to all relevant client’s technical disciplines, we start small, but in a manner that can deliver a conclusive position that is required for a go / no go decision.
Think Security, Security, Security
Whether we are working on commercial, consumer, medical, industrial or government data, security cannot be an afterthought. The defining guidelines or regulatory mandates need to be designed into the implementation. Our team brings this relevant knowledge to the project from the get-go.
Commercializing the solution is the end game. We can either come in for the prototype phase only or be tasked to deliver a turnkey system including implementation, deployment and support. Regardless of the scope, we are there for you, taking into consideration schedule, cost, competencies and resources, scalability and risks.
Apply Cold & Hot Path Analytics
Whether it’s mid to long-term analysis aimed at insightful understanding of your process, business status of your assets and means to optimize your objective function, or real-time automated assessment and a decision making process, we are here to build these systems with you making sure we comply with our plan all the way back to the project problem statement.